1964 – Milwaukee (8) and San Francisco (7) combine to use a major league-record 15 pinch hitters in two nine-inning games. The Giants win the opening marathon, 15 – 10, then win, 7 – 4. The Milwaukee refreshment stands, down to $13 in pennies, drop their prices; beer goes from 31 cents to 30 cents, hot dogs from 26 cents to 25 cents, hot sandwiches from 62 cents to 60 cents.

On August 30, 1964 — 1964 – Milwaukee (8) and San Francisco (7) combine to use a major league-record 15 pinch hitters in two nine-inning games. The Giants win the opening marathon, 15 – 10, then win, 7 – 4. The Milwaukee refreshment stands, down to $13 in pennies, drop their prices; beer goes from 31 cents to 30 cents, hot dogs from 26 cents to 25 cents, hot sandwiches from 62 cents to 60 cents.

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