Billy Martin fired after telling the press – Reggie Jackson and George Steinbrenner deserve each other

On July 23, 1978  Reggie Jackson returns to the team and the Yankees win their 5th straight, 3 – 1, over the White Sox. At the Chicago airport, Billy Martin, reacting to reporters’ questions about Jackson and George Steinbrenner, replies: “The two deserve each other. One’s a born liar; the other’s convicted.” The remarks will cost Billy his job. The next day, Martin resigns under pressure, giving way to Bob Lemon after a one-game interim by Dick Howser.@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90YWdzIiwic2V0dGluZ3MiOnsiYmVmb3JlIjoiTGVhcm4gTW9yZSBhYm91dCB0aGUgdGVhbXMsIHBsYXllcnMsIGJhbGwgcGFya3MgYW5kIGV2ZW50cyB0aGF0IGhhcHBlbmVkIG9uIHRoaXMgZGF0ZSBpbiBoaXN0b3J5IGp1c3QgY2xpY2sgdGhlIHRhZ3MhICAiLCJhZnRlciI6IiIsImxpbmtfdG9fdGVybV9wYWdlIjoib24iLCJzZXBhcmF0b3IiOiIgfCAiLCJjYXRlZ29yeV90eXBlIjoicG9zdF90YWcifX0=@