Richie Ashburn clinches the batting title, going 3 for 4 to finish at .3495. Willie Mays .3466

On September 30, 1958 — 1958 – In the Phillies’ 6 – 4, 10-inning win at Pittsburgh, Richie Ashburn clinches the batting title, going 3 for 4 to finish at .3495. Willie Mays, leading off in San Francisco’s win over St. Louis, is 3 for 5 to finish at .3466. Dave Philley sets a major-league record for consecutive pinch hits when he doubles in the 7th for his 8th straight pinch hit. Peanuts Lowrey had seven straight pinch hits in 1952.

The Phillies win the game 6 – 4, 10-innings.

The Phillies center fielder, who also led the league in 1955,
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