Ted Williams All Star Injury

Ted Williams fractures Elbow in first network televised an All-Star Game

On July 11, 1950, network television broadcasts an All-Star Game for the first time in history and it is also the first-ever extra-inning All-Star Game.

Making a leaping, off-the-wall catch of a Ralph Kiner drive in the 1st inning, Ted Williams fractures his left elbow in the All-Star Game at Chicago. Remaining in the game, he puts the American League ahead, 3 – 2, with an RBI single. Kiner’s 9th-inning home run ties the game, and Red Schoendienst’s blast against Ted Gray in the 14th wins it. Williams later states he was never the same after this injury. It’s a game of firsts – the first extra-inning All-Star Game, the first time the NL wins at an AL park, and the first All-Star Game ver shown on national television.@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90YWdzIiwic2V0dGluZ3MiOnsiYmVmb3JlIjoiTGVhcm4gTW9yZSBhYm91dCB0aGUgdGVhbXMsIHBsYXllcnMsIGJhbGwgcGFya3MgYW5kIGV2ZW50cyB0aGF0IGhhcHBlbmVkIG9uIHRoaXMgZGF0ZSBpbiBoaXN0b3J5IC0gLSAtIC0gLSAtIC0gIiwiYWZ0ZXIiOiIiLCJsaW5rX3RvX3Rlcm1fcGFnZSI6Im9uIiwic2VwYXJhdG9yIjoiIHwgIiwiY2F0ZWdvcnlfdHlwZSI6InBvc3RfdGFnIn19@

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